Meditation, in all its parts, means how to discover, for the first time in your life, the conserved power that exists inside every human being and how to develop it. It is an unbelievable feeling, with high degrees of sensations, that will enable you, in your daily life, to obtain a different vision than usual - something that is missing from daily life today. The degree of power is different from one person to another. The most effective techniques available for obtaining deep relaxation, eliminating stress, promoting health, increasing creativity and intelligence and attaining inner happiness and fulfillment is meditation. The Transcendental Meditation technique, practiced by millions of people worldwide, is a simple, natural and effortless technique. The effectiveness of the meditation program has been validated by over 500 scientific studies at more than 200 independent research institutions in 30 countries. The transcendental mediation technique requires no belief, or lifestyle change, is non-religious, is not time consuming and can be learned by anyone regardless of age or education. We invite you to find out how the meditation program can improve all aspects of your life in a way you never dreamed possible. By attaining inner peace we will attain everything else. The goal of mindfulness is for you to be more aware, more in touch with life and with whatever is happening in your own body and mind at the time. It is happening - that is in the present moment. If you are experiencing a distressing thought or feeling, or actual physical pain in any moment, you resist the impulse to try to escape the unpleasantness; instead you attempt to see it clearly, as it is, and accept it because it is already present in this moment. Meditation in Egypt Metaphysical & Spiritual Tours There are many types of meditation. The one definition that fits almost all types is "Consciously directing your attention to alter your state of consciousness". The human being has no limit to the things that he/she can direct his/her attention towards. Symbols, sounds, colors, breath, uplifting thoughts and spiritual realms can all be mediums of meditation. Meditation is simply a means to focus attention. In other words, where you direct your mind alters your consciousness. Meditating in Egypt can be a valuable tool for finding a peaceful oasis of relaxation and stress relief in a demanding, fast-paced Western world. Meditation programs |